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This article can help with your SEO issues to a certain extent. Today I found a lot of interesting stuff and decided to share it with other website developers.

Among the many tools I found today were:

* SeoSiteCheckup

* AddThis


They are all too good to be true SEO specialists or analysts. Today, I was involved in more than two dozen SEO techniques. All of them proved crucial. Here's a list of all the techniques that I worked with:

1) Keywords – The meta keywords tag lets you add additional text to your page for search engines to index. Meta keywords are used to emphasize specific words or phrases in your main text.

2) Most Common Keywords Test- This will allow you to determine the most commonly used keywords and their usage (numbers of times they are used) on your website. HOW TO FIX To pass this test you will need to optimize the density of your main keywords as shown above. You must increase the density of a keyword if it is less than 2%. If it is more than 4%, you must decrease it.

Keyword usage - This shows if the most popular keywords in your title, meta description and meta keyword tags. Keyword(s), not included in Meta–Title Keyword(s), included in Meta–Description Tag Keyword(s), included in Meta–Keywords Tag HOW to FIX First, ensure that your page uses the title, meta–description, and meta keywords tags. You will need to adjust the content of these tags in order for some of the primary keywords shown above.

4) Headings Status- This shows whether any H1 headings have been used on your page. H1 headings can be HTML tags that highlight important keywords and topics within a page. HOW TO FIX To pass this test, you will need to identify the most important topics on your page and then insert them between tags. Example: Another topic headings status This shows if H2 headings have been used on your page. H2 headings are useful for explaining sub-topics on a page.

5) Robots.txt Testing - Search engines send tiny programs called robots (or spiders) to your site. They search for pages and return information so that search engines can index them. You can use "robots.txt" to specify which directories and files you don't want search engines to index. These files are simple text files and are located on your root folder. There are two things to keep in mind when using "robots.txt". Firstly, the "robots.txt” file is public so anyone can view what sections of your server are not wanted by robots. Secondly, robots can ignore your "robots.txt", particularly malware robots scanning the web for security holes.

6) Sitemap Test- This test will check whether your website uses a sitemap.xml.gz, sitemap.xml.gz, or sitemapindex.xml. Sitemaps allow webmasters to tell search engines about pages that can be crawled on their websites. Sitemaps are XML files that list URLs on a site. They also include additional metadata (when it was last updated and when it changes most often, and how important it relative to other URLs) that can be used to help search engines crawl the site more efficiently.

7) Favicon Validator and Test - Find out if your website is correctly and properly implementing a Favicon. Favicons are small icons found in the URL navigation bar of your browser. Favicons are saved alongside your URL's title, when you bookmark that page. These icons can help you brand your site and make it easier for users to find your site from a list. HOW TO FIX First, your logo must be created in a 16x16 png, GIF, or ICO image, and then uploaded to your website server. It's then easy to add the following code to your HTML code for web pages: In this example, the "url_to_my_favicon” refers the actual location of the favicon file.

8) Code to Text Ratio – Check your website source code to determine the text content's size relative to the structure (HTML). Although this percent does not directly affect search engines, it is a ranking factor that can be used to rank websites. However, other factors such as site loading speeds and user experience will also depend on it. HOW TO FIX To pass this test, you will need to increase your text to HTML ratio. Here are some tips: Move all inline styling rules to an external CSS file. Move your JavaScript code to an external JS file. Use CSS layout instead.

9) URL SEO Friendly Testing - Find out if your URL and all links within are SEO friendly

10) Broken Links Test- Test your website for broken hyperlinks

11) Google Analytics Test: Check your website's connection with Google analytics. HOW TO FIX To pass this test, you will need to create an account on Google Analytics and then insert a small Javascript tracking code into your page. Example: You will need to replace the 'UAXXXXXY-Y' tag with the correct id that you will find in your analytics account.

12) Links Test: Check your URL for underscore characters. It is best to use dashes (-), or hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_). Google uses hyphens to separate words in URLs -unlike underscores.

13) Google PageRank Testing - Find out the Google PageRank of your website. Google PageRank (PR), is a measurement between 0 and 10. It is calculated using a proprietary mathematical formula which counts every link to a website in a vote. Your website will be compared to all other websites with similar keywords and content in a popularity contest. It is crucial that your website has backlinks from trusted websites. Your website is already shining with excellent content and internal SEO methods (keywords and meta tags), so you can plan a strategy to get others to notice your website. Pages that are important have a higher PageRank, and are more likely be found at the top of search results.

14) Alexa Page Ranking Test - Find out the Alexa rank for your website. Alexa Rank is a measure of the traffic rate for your domain. It is calculated by the internet information company Alexa. This company ranks websites based on how much traffic was received from Alexa Toolbar users over a three-month period. Your Alexa rating is more important than your ranking. Your website should have good traffic if it has a rank below 100,000. Traffic rank is a measure of the popularity of your website. This refers to the number of people who visit it and how many pages they view. HOW TO FIX The following are some best practices to increase your Alexa Page rank.

Content is everything. Write useful, quality content. Submit new content regularly to increase traffic to your site. - Create quality backlinks for your website Connect to social networking websites - Install Alexa Toolbar in your browser. Verify your website with

15) Image Alt Test: Check all images on your website for alt attributes. Alt attributes provide alternative information if an image is not displayed due to a slow connection, wrong src or other reasons. Because search engines can't see images, it is important to use keywords and human-readable captions within the alt attributes. Images with decorative roles (bullets, corners, etc.) should be used an empty alt attribute or a background CSS image. HOW TO FIX To pass this test, you will need to add an alt attribute for every tag in your webpage. The following HTML line is used to insert an image with alternate text.

16) Inline CSS Testing - Test your webpage HTML tags to ensure that they contain inline CSS properties. A style attribute is used to add an inline CSS property to a tag. You might lose some of the style sheets' benefits if you mix content and presentation. It is a good idea to move all inlines CSS rules to an external file to reduce the page's weight and code-to-text ratio. HOW TO FIX It is a good idea to move all inlines CSS rules to an external file to reduce your page's weight and decrease the code-to-text ratio. Check the HTML code of your page and identify all style attribute for each style attribute found you must proper move all declarations in the external CSS file and remove the style attribute For example: some text here some text here p{color:red; font-size: 12px|You must check the HTML code of your webpage and identify the style attributes for each style attribute. Then, you need to properly move all declarations into the external CSS file.}

17) Media Print Test: Check your webpage for media print CSS properties that allow custom printability. How to Fix: These are the methods you can use to print your webpage in a friendly format. Use a @media print {... rule at the end of your CSS file (note that specificity and precedence rules still apply!)|Use @media print... rules at the end your CSS file. Please note that precedence and specificity rules still apply!} Example: @media print { /* your print styles go here */ #header, #footer, #menu { display: none; body { font: 12pt georgia,serif; } h1 { font-size: 18pt; } h2 { font-size: 16pt; color: #000; } } 2.|Example: @media Print /* Your print styles go there */ font-size 16pt; font-size 18pt; font-size 16pt; color #000; / 2.} Use a print stylesheet. The file print.css contains the print stylesheet. The media="print" command calls up this CSS file when the page is printed. You only need to add CSS rules to the print stylesheet to override those in the main stylesheet. (You don't have to repeat any branding or colour CSS commands, as they will already be in the main stylesheet.

18) Google Preview – This lets you see what your website might look like in a Google search result page. Google searches use your website title, URL and meta-description to display the information. Google will reduce the content of these elements if they are too long. It is recommended that you limit the length of your webpage title to 70 characters, and your webpage description to 160 characters.

19) Keywords Cloud -- The Keyword Cloud shows you the visual representation of keywords that are used on your website. This will allow you to see which keywords are most frequently used on your website's content. Keywords with a higher density are displayed in larger fonts and in alphabetic order.

20) Deprecated HTMLTags - Find out if your website is using outdated HTML tags. These tags will eventually lose browser support, and your web pages may render differently. This list includes all HTML tags. 21) TML Page Size Test Check the HTML size of your page. HTML size refers to the size of all HTML code on your page. This size does not include images or external javascripts.

22) HTML Compression/GZIP Testing - This test will verify that your page correctly uses HTML compression when it is sent from your server. HOW TO FIX There are two options for file compression: Deflate or GZIP. GZIP is an easy to setup option that comes with Apache servers. GZIP, on the other side, needs to be installed and takes a little more time to set up. GZIP has a higher compression rate, so it might be a better option if you have large files or pages with many images. Depending on the type of server your website is using, file compression can be set up. Apache is most likely your server. This means that you can enable file compression by adding some deflate codes in your.htaccess. # compress text, HTML, Javascript, CSS, xml

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